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Background Dave Balch, Founder is the brainchild of Dave Balch, who was caregiver for his wife through four bouts with breast cancer. 

As a professional speaker, Dave has access to some of the most prolific and most eloquent experts in the world on a wide variety of topics. It seemed to make sense that principles in one field may apply in the context of serious illness, and that those experts could provide those principles.

For example, an expert in teamwork typically works with business groups to help them work in teams. Why couldn't those same principles of teamwork help a family work together as a team to support a patient?

Given this concept, suddenly all sorts of topics made sense: organization, productivity, time managment, romance, body language, and so on.

A significant portion of our content is the "Dialogs with Dave" series of recordings. These are casual-style interviews of these world-class experts who explain their proven principles of business, success, and happiness in the new context of those dealing with cancer or any other serious illness.

Our future plans include daily coping tips, video interviews, articles, and a blog.

Note is NOT an accredited learning institution and no officially or legally recognized degrees, titles, or designations are awarded or earned.  We use the term “University” as a metaphor for a place of learning, because that’s what we are: a place to learn, in our case, coping techniques and skills.  In addition, we have chosen to remain consistent in our use of the “university” metaphor by using relevant terms such as “curriculum,” “student,” “lesson plan,” etc.

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